I'm Zacharias Dimitrakoudis

It's nice to e-meet you! I'm Zacharias Dimitrakoudis, a Senior Software Engineer / Consultant with Bachelor degree in Software Engineering & Master degree in Applied Informatics.

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About Me


My name is Dimitrakoudis Zacharias and I'm an experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry, on development and improvement of web provided software products. Most important for me, is the growth of my professional career. For over 9 years, my responsibility is to keep evolving in enterprise architectures and advanced development techniques, to design and provide well-structured, maintainable and efficient solutions.

What I Do

Enterprise architecture

DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Hexagonal (Ports & Adapters), Task-Based UI

Distributed Computing

Microservices, Scaling, Performance, Container Orchestration

Quality Code

Design Patterns, Reusable/Clean/Self-documented Code, Error Handling

Testing Pyramid

Unit Tests, Integration Tests (Contract), Component Tests, E2E Tests


Features, API, Endpoints (parameters, request, response, exceptions)

Team Collaboration

Agile Methodologies, Pair Programming, Code Reviews, Guidance, Alignment

Professional Skills

Programming Languages

Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript


PostgreSQL, Neo4j, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch

Backend Frameworks

Django, FastAPI, Nameko, Flask, Falcon, Spring


Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, Version Control (Git)

Programming Practices

Testing Pyramid, TDD, BDD, Design patterns, SOLID Principles, Twelve Factors, Clean code

Communication Protocols

HTTP (Rest API), SOAP (XML), Sockets, RPC, GraphQL, AMQP Messaging (RabbitMQ)


Eventual consistency, Composition, Orchestration

Architectural Approaches

DDD, Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing


Sep 2020 - Present

Senior Software Engineer / Consultant

  • Consulting on Projects

  • Development, Testing, Documentation on features

  • Microservices Dockerization & Orchestration

Oct 2019 - Jul 2020
Hellenic Army

Communication Center Operator

  • Developed/refactored/maintained software in the needs of the Unit

  • Received & delivered top-secret messages of military post office

  • Operated the transmission messages of military communication network

  • Trained and prepared new operators to be able to work on above tasks

Oct 2014 - May 2020
infoGRID# P.C.C.

Co-owner, Full Stack Software Engineer

  • Shareholder, Full Stack Developer, Webmaster

  • Extended and improved parts for the enterprise products (ERP, CRM, HRM)

  • Developed, tested and deployed code for multiple combinatorial projects

  • Maintained servers, databases, and hardware, software infrastructure

Apr 2018 - Apr 2020
IN.TE.SO. Organization

Tactical Member

  • Took part in organization’s scientific, research and volunteer actions

  • Provided organization, training and education to volunteer groups

  • Developed code in software, for non-profit actions of the organization

  • Provided professional services in situations of various scales and needs

Dec 2016 - Jun 2017
Municipal & Regional Theater of Sérrai

Developer, Student Intern

  • Took part in the development and maintenance of e-ticket theater software

  • Deployed new programming features in the web application of the theater

  • Trained the basic operators for the administration of the theater platforms

Feb 2012 – Sep 2014

Freelancer, Web Developer

  • Developed and maintained web sites, e-commerce and web applications

  • Deployed custom addons, modules, plugins, configs for various use cases


Jul 2020
International Hellenic University

Master Postgraduate Specialization

Master Science Studies in Applied Informatics of Computer Engineering and Communications Department, of International Hellenic University.

  • Project I: Job aggregator web application

  • Project II: Multi Tenant SAAS Market with Android application

  • Master Thesis: Distributed system, that syncs contacts between different platforms, based on Microservices, Rest API, DDD, CQRS, ES

Sep 2018
Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia

Bachelor Graduate Studies

Software Engineer of Technological Education, of Computer Engineering Department of Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.

  • Project: Cloud Parking Management System

  • Thesis: Advanced Mathematics Learning Management System, with android client & web administration panel



19 Mar 2021
Lightbend Academy

CQRS & Event Sourcing

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), and Event Sourcing (ES), are powerful tools. They can make the difference between an application that evolves, and remains competitive, or one that stagnates and falls into obscurity. This course will discuss the reasons we use CQRS/ES, what benefits it provides us, but also what it will cost us to use. We will see how CQRS/ES can impact the scalability, consistency, and availability of our application. Most importantly we will learn about one of the key techniques that is used in building modern Reactive Microservices.

> Certification url

19 Mar 2021
Lightbend Academy

Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design is a technique commonly used to build Reactive Systems. This course will introduce the core elements of Domain Driven Design. It will also explain how those elements relate to Reactive Systems.

> Certification url

8 Mar 2021

Professional Scrum Master I

People who have passed PSM I, achieving certification, demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM I certificate holders prove that they understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and how to apply Scrum in Scrum Teams. PSM I holders have a consistent terminology and approach to Scrum.

> Certification url

5 Mar 2021

Neo4j Certified Professional

With the Neo4j Certified Professional exam, experience and skills can be certified.

> Certification url


19 Mar 2017
Hellenic Mathematical Society

Presenter and speaker

Presented and spoken about my thesis in 9th international Mathematic Week 2017.

14 Nov 2016
Lifelong Learning 2, C. Macedonia Region

Presenter and speaker

Took part and spoken in the Presentation of cosmoGRID# in Business Ideas, in the context of the transnational Program "PARK".


Mar 2020
Hellenic Army

Honorary Diploma for exceptional Military Services

High professionalism and dedication to duty, ensuring the integrity and dignity of the Country.

Contact me


Thessaloniki, Hellas





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